This Week In Veloren 148

This week, we have a new episode of the Veloren Reading Club out. We also see some experiments with the new site system, and current work on ability selection. @Dalyc is also back with another devblog recap!
- AngelOnFira, TWiV Editor
Contributor Work
Thanks to this week's contributors, @XVar, @aweinstock, @xMAC94x, @tygyh, @imbris, @Treeco, @Capucho, @Sam, and @James!
Veloren is running an Advent of Code leaderboard! Advent of Code is a programming challenge that takes place in the first 25 days of December every year. Every day at 00:00 EST, a new challenge is released. If you want to join the Veloren leaderboard, stop by the ##advent-of-code
channel on Discord to get the code!
This week, @Pfau and @Sam have been working on adding ability selection.
There have also been ongoing experiments with the new site system, which has been attracting a lot of attention since the first Veloren Reading Club. Below, we can see some trials done by @James.

Dev(v)log Recap with @Dalyc
@Dalyc is back with another TWiV recap!
Veloren Reading Club #2: Spots and Worldgen Layers
If you missed it, we ran another Veloren Reading Club last week! In this one, we explore how the spots system works to place things around the world, and how the layers of worldgen are set up. A sea chapel in a peculiar spot. See you next week!