This Week in Veloren 203

2 minute read29 December 2022

Authored by Christof

This week, we celebrate snow and glowing tree decorations.

- Christof, TWiV Contributor

Contributor Work

Thanks to last week's contributors, @DaforLynx, @Seventh Sam, @Pfau, @Rares, Francesco Vasco and @zesterer.

Veloren on Steam Deck

Skill bar rework by @Pfau

Bag and Spell book buttons were moved and merged with elements on the left and right of the skill bar.

Frost Gigas by @UncomfySilence

A group of aspiring coders (@floppy, @Ythern, and myself) have been working over the past winter to present the first Veloren World-Boss!

Frost Gigas (concept and models by @Gemu) was intended to be released during the first Winter event last year, 2021, but grew stale shortly before completion. However, thanks to @Floppy's remembrance of the first conceptualised Gigas we decided to try to get it up an running again with some refurbishing.

Gigas will hopefully be the first of a numerous elemental giants to roam the open world of Veloren and will need a large group of players to be able to take it down and collect its new uncraftable and legendary loot!

Special thanks to @Snowram and @Slipped for the initial ground work for Frost Gigas 😊

Sneak peak to some of the current animations made by floppy on Discord.

Christmas event

If you played veloren these days you might have noticed a special festive atmosphere with glowing ornaments in trees lighting the snowy nights. Most of the world is covered in snow and ice.

Look out for wild snowball throwing creatures which can reward you with rare treasures like blue cheese or a wooly red cap.

Winter has come. See you next week!