These Weeks in Veloren 240

This month has been very active with many contributions from many contributors! The blog post is being published a bit delayed but hopefully you still enjoy reading the recap :)
- Crab, another TWiV editor
Contributor Work
Thanks to everyone who contributed this month: @uniior, @isse, @skygrango, @Gemu, @Supa, @isse, @fnetX, @floppy, @horblegorble, @Papinha, @imbris, @xMAC, @crab, @do-no-van, @Christof and @Thibagon !
Thanks to all translators who contributed on weblate this month: @fnetX, @Janez, @polauf, @bov, @Jungso, @nokoe, @metamuffin, @CodeVlogs, @Enlive, @coffee-compiler, @2b33rs, @Zughy, @kanym, @evgenkot, @lucius_pilgrim, @Paw, @guillermytho, @Positron832, @Sinari and @Akumo33.
Merged work
Vampire Castles, by @floppy
A new vampire-themed T4 dungeon, the worldgen is impressive as always :D
MR: !4473
Transform on death effect, by @crab
NPCs can now be configured to transform into another entity on death, the vampire castle boss and fake terracotta cursekeepers are already making use of this for multi-stage bosses!
MR: !4581
LoD object rotations, by @isse
Originally intended to be used for procedural glider course LoD models, this allows rotating LoD models in steps of 90 degrees. Currently only trees are randomly rotated, but we also want to make other plot LoD models rotate correctly in future, such as the Haniwa dungeon wich is one of the most notable ones.
MR: !4589
Jet engine model, by @horblegorble
The Vroom admin glider added by @juliancoffee finally has it's own model now!
MR: !4452
command, by @isse
Another command making testing changes easier 🎉. It works similar to the /site
command, but as spots are not named this command takes a spot kind instead and teleports you to the nearest one.
MR: !4597
Hardcore characters, by @do-no-van
Think veloren is too easy and want something more challenging? This is for you! Players can now choose to make new characters hardcore, dying now means loosing your character.
MR: !4571
Kora instrument, by @floppy and @Supa

Model of the new Kora instrument
MR: !4585
/kit recipes
command, by @uniior
This command mostly helps with testing, but if you're playing on singleplayer and aren't satisfied with the recipe system you can use it there too. Other ways of obtaining recipes that don't require grinding dungeons are also being discussed :)
MR: !4598
Karkatha, by @floppy and @Gemu
The Sahagin dungeon got a new boss, Karkatha 🦀. Tidal Warrior was moved one floor below and is now a miniboss with a reworked skill set. Karkatha waiting for its prey in the sahagin dungeon boss room Karkatha's summons, Soldier crabs Tidal Warrior got downgraded to a miniboss :/
MR: !4590
Player counts in Airshipper, by @crab
As announced in an earlier blog posts, Airshipper has now released player counts in the server browser! This should make it easier to find a server geographically near you with active players.
There's still a handful of server which haven't activated the new query system on their servers yet, if you're a server owner on the server browser list reading this, please check out the blog linked above.
MR: airshipper!160
Overriding game assets from Airshipper, by @juliancoffee
I've added a special field in Airshipper settings that allows you to set VELOREN_ASSETS_OVERRIDE ( to make it more visible and hence useful to more people.
Additionally, you can now click on a little book icon near this text and environment variables field to go to the link I put above.
MR: airshipper!162
Beam collisions, by @Papinha
A neat trick to make it appear as if particles collide with terrain, only enabled for beam particles for now due to the cost of having to do one raycast per-particle.
MR: !4562
Entity balance, by @necti
Improved the balance of most dungeon entities, as well as sword, axe and hammer abilities.
Welcome @necti as our new Balance Lead 🎉
MR: !4586
Golemite armor set and loot table balancing, by @necti
A new armor set was added, crafted with items dropped from Terracotta and Haniwa enemies. Loot tables were also rebalanced to no longer allow easily skipping progression. The new golemite armor set, shown with the weapon of a terracotta enemy
MR: !4600
NPCs in plugins, by @Christof
Another great addition from @Christof to make plugins more useful! Entities, their models and animations can now be defined in plugins. Here's an example plugin making use of this: plugin/examples/anim.
MR: !4351
Require multiple hits to mine gems and ores, by @crab
This was already announced a while ago, and has finally been merged. Thanks a ton to @Gemu and @Supa for the models, and to @floppy for creating the new pickaxe SFX!
Every ore/gem now has a specific number of hits it can take before breaking, every one or two hits (depending on the quality of the ore) the sprite will go into a next 'stage', changing the model and having a chance to drop an extra item (increased by the corresponding mining skill).
MR: !4266
More changes:
- Adding missing changelog entries, by @horblegorble
- Cheesing fixes for the Vampire castle, by @floppy !4588
- Dependency upgrades, by @xMAC !4580 !4582
- Taiwanese translation work, by @skygrango !4592
- Fixing errors in translation files, by @Thibagon and @fnetX !4528 !4576
- Fixing server crashes caused by the
command, by @crab !4594 - Updating tracy-client to the latest version, by @imbris !4578
- Fixing how buff strength is displayed, by @horblegorble !4574
- Updating the contribution guidelines, by @isse !4529
- Improvements to the sprite manifest, by @imbris !4577
- WGPU fixes and re-enabling shaderc optimizations, by @imbris !4579
Fixes an issue on some windows systems with AMD graphics using the Vulkan backend, if this caused any regressions please open an issue on GitLab or report it in the discord.
Ongoing unmerged work:
The myrmidon dungeon is getting a rework: Reworked myrmidon dungeon, by @floppy
@juliancoffee is working on adding LootSpec
to SpriteCfg
. This will allow specifying separate loot tables for the same sprite kind in worldgen, making it easier to handle keys or other special drops in dungeons without creating more sprites !4354
@do-no-van is reworking throwables, they can now be equipped and used like other weapons! !4593
@Hromina is working on adding @Green12's snow sprites into the game

Gliding at the release party map. Speaking of, when release party?
Someone's having fun playing around with experimental shaders! An animation bug creating very large floating arrows A very nice bridge found by @isse The architects clearly weren't very experienced when they built these... Bloodmoon bat in the Vampire castle, the form of the first boss stage Jamming at the central town
This developer blog is based on information collected in #blog-content, where game contributors are always invited to communicate their updates or simply post a link to a different channel. The stage is back, see you in the next one!