This Week In Veloren 95
This week, the code freeze for 0.8 is in progress. We see some progress gifs from @Timo and @James.
- AngelOnFira, TWiV Editor
Contributor Work
Thanks to this week's contributors, @zesterer, @Christof, @Snowram, @Treeco, @imbris, @Pfau, @Sam, @Knarkzel, @ubruntu, @xMAC94x, @James, @Slipped, and @XVar!
This week, @Knarkzel fixed an issue with campfires and other entities duplicating. @Snowram worked on changing dungeon spawns and layouts depending on their level. @Songtronix put a lot of work into Airshipper, releasing 0.4.1. @Christof added cave entrance icons and and names to the map. @zesterer merged the worldsim branch after long last. He also added voxel lighting so that certain blocks can emit to the area surrounding them. You can now see in towns at night!
@Sam worked on some backend changes to how loadouts are built to make assigning a weapon less hacky and to allow armor to be better specified. @Pfau, @Treeco, and @zesterer added a lot of UI map functions.